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morphogenetic factor中文是什么意思

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  • 形态发生因子


  • Glial cell line - derived neurotrophic factor ( gdnf ) was originally isolated based on its potent and specific ability to promote the survival and morphological differentiation of dopaminergic neurons and motoneurons in embryonic midbrain cultures . in addition , gdnf also support the survival and regulate the differentiation of many peripheral neurons , including sympathetic , parasympathetic , sensory and enteric neurons . gdnf also plays a crucial role outside the nervous system , as a morphogenetic factor in kidney development and as a regulator of spermatogonia differentiation
    Gfr 1与gdnf结合位点的研究胶质细胞源性神经营养因子( gdnf )对多巴胺能神经元、运动神经元、感觉神经元、肠道神经元等多种神经元具有促进存活及保护作用,它还能促进肾脏的发育和精原细胞的成熟,因此,极有希望用于治疗神经损伤和神经系统退行性病变。
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